Updated 12/15/2022: DriverMax is now DriverPlan by Optym.
Optym is delighted to announce its collaboration with Greyhound Lines to develop DriverMAX, an algorithm-based system for driver route planning. Driver route planning at Greyhound is currently done manually by planners with decades of experience. DriverMAX will encapsulate this human experience and insight into a software solution that will generate the routes of over 1,000 drivers within an hour.
Driver planning is a very complex process and requires striking a balance between Greyhound’s driving needs, drivers’ lifestyle preferences, and work-rest rules mandated by the federal government. It is a complex optimization problem that defied effective computerized solutions. Optym’s proposed software is expected to generate higher wages for each driver, improve their quality of life, and at the same time reduce the total cost of operations for Greyhound.
DriverMAX’s success will present future opportunities for a range of optimization possibilities across other areas of Greyhound’s business, including real-time scheduling of drivers and buses. This system may also be used at Greyhound’s parent company, FirstGroup, in their other business divisions.
“This is an exciting collaboration for Optym and I am thrilled that we are able to develop our revolutionary software to improve operations at Greyhound. Our team is looking forward to this opportunity with Greyhound to develop DriverMAX further, and to help Greyhound generate even higher profitability.” Dr. Ravi Ahuja President & CEO of Optym
Optym’s specialized technical experience, combined with Greyhound’s reach over North America, is sure to produce a successful collaboration. Optym’s partnership with Greyhound to develop DriverMAX brings businesses one step closer to creating unparalleled efficiencies in the scheduling of manpower resources.
To find out more about the partnership, please see the newswire.