
Build smarter schedules, faster

Eliminate the hassle of creating driver schedules and route plans to improve utilization, efficiency, and accuracy.


Time saved in


Reduction in empty


Reduction of total
scheduled miles

Innovative LTL carriers choose optimization and AI


DriverPlan helps carriers create better driver routes with cutting-edge optimization and scheduling

LT_Location Time

Improve schedule efficiency

Run fewer empty miles and better utilize existing network capacity.

LT_Calendar Check

Bring drivers home more often

Prioritize turn runs and meet & turns to bring drivers home more often.

LT_Driver money

Higher driver utilization

Give drivers more miles and use fewer overall drivers.


Increase load coverage

Identify and cover unscheduled loads throughout the network.

Make schedules more efficient

DT_Calendar Check

Align schedules with trailer demand.

DT_Package Three

Move more freight with fewer drivers.

DT_Optimal Path

Convert laydown runs to meets.

DT_Hand Truck

Introduce relays to reduce empty movements and bring drivers home more often.

Make schedules more efficient
Intelligent schedule editing

Intelligent schedule editing


Simplify the complex.

Save precious hours by automatically updating paths for multiple trailers and days of the week simultaneously.

DT_Warning Exclamation

Correct mistakes before they happen.

Prevent costly mistakes with advanced error checking and notifications about broken driver meets, disconnected trailer paths, timing inconsistencies, and hours of service violations.

DT_Map Lightning

Reduce congestion

Analyze the freight arrival times for different shifts to prevent terminal congestion and plan labor efficiently.


Plan trailers holistically

Identify the specific shipments scheduled for each trailer in the network to better understand cut/due times of all trailers.

DT_Select Option

See the big picture

Compare trailer routes and driver routes to understand the complete freight movement picture.

DT_Document List-2

Side-by-side comparisons

View related schedules side-by-side to effectively plan meets and relay operations.


Create optimized, implementable schedules with advanced, realistic models

Advanced modeling

Capture the variability of freight demand with day-of-week modeling.

Hours of service support

Create schedules that automatically honor Hours of Service regulations.

Driver-friendly schedules​

Model driver preferences to create driver-friendly schedules while cutting costs.

Sophisticated simulation​

Simulate cut times for every shipment.

DriverPlan is part of the optymized ecosystem for LTL

Optym's LTL Suite minimizes waste and maximizes profit from the first mile to the last, and everything in between.


What our customers say

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    “Optym is a great partner that listens and works towards a common solution to solve problems centered around our customer and drivers experience”

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    “Optym has enabled us to plan more efficiently and make adjustments to lanes quicker. ”

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    “Out of ten vendors... You were the only one to truly offer end-to-end optimization”

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    “RouteMax’s dynamic route optimization capabilities and intuitive workflows are helping our planners create more efficient routes in less time.”

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    "Optym has continually proven that they bring more than just optimization and AI prowess to the table."

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    "Optym got their name right! They are the clear leader in optimization in the transportation industry.”

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    “HaulPlan has empowered our planners to easily see the network impact of our decisions.”

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    “We have identified Optym products as a way to enable us to reach new levels of efficiency and quality.”

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    “Optym HaulPlan has enabled us to plan more efficiently and make adjustments to lanes quicker.”

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    “Optym leads the industry in trucking enhancements, and we’re proud to partner with them to improve our service.”

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    “Optym’s unique combination of diverse skills helped to build a product that creates both optimal and practical routes.”

Accolades & Affiliations

Top Supply Chain Projects 2022
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d. FLfood 1
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Ready to see how Optym can optimize your operations?